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Condition, Conditioning

Condition, Conditioning explores the experience of skin conditions, through a holistic exploration of my own personal experience of Psoriasis, which explores not only the physical impact of such conditions, but also reflects the psychological, emotional and social impact which such conditions can have on those who experience them. Thus, in this work, I aim to reflect the relationship between Psoriasis and stress, illness, social stigma, gender conditioning, body image, self-esteem, and presentations of the self, along with the impact of the constantly changing and unpredictable nature of the condition, which can cause an underlying sense of uncertainty, frustration or a lack of control in one’s life, and the role of lens-based media in perpetuating unrealistic beauty standards, for example, through the common practice of editing skin, in photography and moving image work.


To create this work, I applied slow, gradual, constant cross-dissolve transitions to a sequence of photographic images, to create a moving image work which reflects the gradual pace of constantly changing, fading growth patterns of skin which is affected by a skin condition. I also created a sound piece, for this work, which acts as a sound map of the experience of a skin condition, which was informed by my own personal experience.


This moving image sequence, which combines both photographic and moving image digital processes, acts as an alternative form of moving image portraiture, which focuses on depicting almost abstracted close-up imagery of textures and patterns which often form on areas of my own skin, which are affected by Psoriasis. Thus, this work openly presents a part of oneself which is commonly perceived as a flaw, or which one often hides from others, as the private self.


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